Membership information
Types of membership
Full Members, which must be cross-sectoral, non-governmental, non-profit, national membership associations, mainly comprising businesses and industries, dedicated to environmental management and conservation. In principle there is one Full Member in each country, however, the Board of Trustees may grant exceptions. In countries where such an association does not yet exist, a Cleaner Production Centre may be temporarily appointed as Full Member and will be assigned to create and establish a national association, which will then become the Full Member and the Centre will become an Affiliated Member.
Affiliated Members, which may be organisations, institutions, businesses or individuals with a proven track record of activities to support and facilitate environmental management and conservation.
Honorary Members, which may be organisations, institutions, businesses or individuals with outstanding performance in supporting and facilitating environmental management and conservation.
General Principles and Criteria INEM members should meet
The objectives and priorities of the Full Members are the promotion, dissemination, development and application of sound environmental management practices and environmental excellence. Affiliated and Honorary Members may be profit-seeking businesses, which are working to improve their own as well as general environmental performance.
Members activities for the promotion of environmental management may include, among others, setting up intercompany working groups, arranging seminars and training, holding symposia on environmental subjects, co-ordinating research projects, promoting educational models and university research, providing information to their members and the general public.
The Full Members shall be autonomous, yet linked by similar objectives and statutes. They should have their own logo but also should use INEM´s logo as a common international symbol. Affiliated and Honorary Members must respect the objectives of INEM and may use its logo as a common international quality symbol.
The scope of activities of the Full Members is not restricted to national borders, except that in their search for members, consideration should be first given to their own country.
Membership in an INEM Full Member organisation does not automatically imply membership in any other national Full Member organisation. Simultaneous memberships in several national organisations is, however, permissible and desirable.
The Full Member organisations shall maintain non-governmental, non-profit status as well as independence from political parties and interests. Their members should come from all sectors and professions.
Rights and Duties of INEM members
All members are entitled to attend the General Members Meetings, while:
Full Members are entitled to one vote each;
Affiliated Members do not have voting rights, but may provide suggestions;
Honorary Members do not have voting rights, but may provide suggestions.
All members have access to all INEM´s services, facilities, communication, activities, publications and network. Unless specifically announced by INEM or agreed upon separately, INEM´s services are available to members free of charge, included in their membership fees.
Members are required to pursue the goals and charter of INEM in their own countries.
Members must allocate means and make time available for their representative to attend the INEM events, meetings, functions, and especially be present at the General Members Meeting.
Members must be open and ready to co-operate with INEM and among themselves in order to enable and enhance the global networking. Full participation is a requisite for membership.
INEM will receive updated annual reports and membership lists from its members regularly.
Members have to pay membership fees to INEM. Invoices are payable within three months.
Membership dues
Annual membership dues consider the financial membership volume of the Full Members, thus allowing just distribution of the dues and fees:
Full Members pay a percentage of their declared annual members´ fees, while a fixed minimum fee will be applied;
Affiliated Members pay an annual amount determined by a criteria list;
Honorary Members are exempt from paying membership fees.
While it is the Board`s task to recommend, the General Members Meeting approves the percentage of the annual Full Member dues. Membership dues are reviewed annually.
How to apply for membership
Any association, institution, organisation, business or individuals are eligible to apply for the relevant membership, as long as they comply with INEM´s conditions and charter.
Applications must be made by letter to INEM. The official language of communication is English.
Applications for Full Membership must be from national membership, non-profit associations. They must include a statement by their Board accepting INEM´s conditions and charter as well as expressing willingness to co-operate. Applicants must also present the association?s charter (in English), their most current annual report, and a list of their members.
Applications for Affiliated Membership may be from institutions, organisations, businesses or individuals with a proven track record of activities within environmental management and conservation. They must include a statement by the applying party accepting INEM´s conditions and charter, and expressing their willingness for co-operation.
Applications for Honorary Membership may be from institutions, organisations, businesses or individuals with extra-ordinary achievements in environment, science, alternative technology, social welfare and can only be accepted upon recommendation from a Full Member or a member of the Board of Trustees. The recommendation must include the nominee´s achievements and a statement from the nominee accepting INEM´s conditions and charter.
Acquisition of membership
The decision on acceptance of Members shall rest with the Board. Each application for membership is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. INEM´s Board of Trustees meets three times annually.
If accepted for membership, the applying party will be notified in writing and may assume membership from the date of acceptance. The new member will officially be introduced to the network at the next General Members Meeting. A membership contract will be concluded.
Membership dues for Full Members and Affiliated Members will be pro-rated and invoiced for the remaining months of the year of application.
Termination of membership
Membership shall be terminated by resignation, dissolution, or expulsion, and reviewed by the Board of Trustees upon non-payment of the membership dues.
Resignation from INEM shall be made by written declaration to the Board. The period for serving notice shall be six months to the end of the year.
The Board may expel any member who behaves in a manner detrimental to the interests of INEM, or who fails to comply with its duties despite written requests by INEM that the Member does so. In the event of disagreement with the Board´s decision, an appeal may be made to the General Members Meeting. Until the General Members Meeting decision the appealing member remains disclosed. The decision of the General Members Meeting shall then be final.