The News section contains topical information regarding environmental management, sustainable development, Corporate Social Responsibility, and many other environment-related facts. You will also get here a current overview of what is happening in these areas generally.
Summer ozone at harmful levels in 2013 - Mar 13, 2014
Ground-level ozone exceeded legal limits in every Member State and at many individual measurement sites during summer 2013, according to the European Environment Agency's annual report on this harmful pollutant. Although the number of exceedances is high, they have decreased over recent decades, the report notes. - Mar 13, 2014
Middle East Road Safety & ITS Summit - Feb 18, 2014
Road Safety has been a concern globally and Middle East region is taking several initiatives to combat increasing road causalities. In the MENA region, accidents kill 17 to 22 people per 100,000 of population every year, compared with an OECD average of 6.2 per 100,000. - Feb 18, 2014
Broken Pipe Plugged at Duke Energy Plant - Feb 09, 2014
Duke Energy crews on Feb. 8 finished installing a permanent plug in a broken stormwater pipe at the company's closed coal-fired Dan River Steam Station in Eden, N.C., to stop the leak from an ash basin, company officials announced. The announcement said the plug is a concrete grout material and capping system; it hardened and was successfully tested, and now workers will grout the entire pipe. - Feb 09, 2014
California Ranchers Dread the Impacts of Water Shortage - Jan 28, 2014
Researchers from the University of California, Davis conducted a statewide survey and follow-up interviews with ranchers that voiced their concerns over the drought conditions. According to the study, one-third of ranchers in the state of California can expect disastrous effects to their crops and livestock as a result of the current water shortage. - Jan 28, 2014
Permafrost… It’s Chill. - Jan 14, 2014
Imagine being kept below freezing temperatures for thousands of years… to be trapped with no way to escape other than to thaw out over time. Permafrost, or permanently frozen ground, forms during colder climates, when average annual temperatures remain below freezing. The soils accumulate ice and plant material from plants living at the Earth’s surface. - Jan 14, 2014
Green Building Council's CEO Hails Renewables Memo - Dec. 09, 2013
President Obama’s memorandum directing the federal government to consume 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 "will ensure the country is saving energy, reducing our carbon footprint, improving air quality, driving investment in clean technology, and creating jobs," Rick Fedrizzi said Dec. 5. - Dec. 09, 2013
Instead of ‘Buy Nothing,’ Why Not Buy for Impact? - Nov. 29, 2013
For many Americans (and a growing number of Canadians) Friday, November 29th is Black Friday, a day of rock-bottom prices and a chance to buy, buy, buy. But for others, it instead marks a day that has come to be known as Buy Nothing Day, which is supposedly a day to fight against rampant consumerism by, well, buying nothing. The theory is apparently that if you don’t spend money, you’re taking a stand against over-consumption. - Nov. 29, 2013
Toronto Hydro - A Top GTA Employer - Nov. 27, 2013
TORONTO, Nov. 27 /CSRwire/ - Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited (Toronto Hydro) has been acknowledged as one of the Greater Toronto’s Top Employers for 2014. This year’s winners are listed in a special editorial supplement published today in The Globe and Mail. - Nov. 27, 2013
The business of modern-day slavery - Nov. 25, 2013
Events last week in the UK, where three women were rescued from what appears to be a 30 year-long situation of forced domestic labour situation, have focused a great deal of attention on "modern-day slavery". But it is hardly a one-off. Issues of forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery are increasingly gaining public attention. Business, however, has been slow to engage in the conversation. - Nov. 25, 2013
Walmart’s Charity Problem - Nov. 25, 2013
The twittershpere exploded last week over a report that Walmart was holding a charity food drive to help employees feed their families. Comments ranged from incredulous to outraged. The standard narrative went like this: this just proves that Walmart knows it doesn’t pay enough. They’re appealing to the public to feed their employees. - Nov. 25, 2013
The Climate Declaration Hits Broadway… - Oct. 25, 2013
BOSTON, Oct. 25 /CSRwire/ - Starting this week, the Climate Declaration’s message that “tackling climate change is America’s greatest economic opportunity of the 21st century” will be showcased on the CBS Jumbotron on 42nd street in New York City’s Times Square for the next three months. - Oct. 25, 2013
Air pollution still harming health across Europe - Oct. 15, 2013
Around 90 % of city dwellers in the European Union (EU) are exposed to one of the most damaging air pollutants at levels deemed harmful to health by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This result comes from the latest assessment of air quality in Europe, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). - Oct. 15, 2013
IPCC report provides new evidence of climate change - Sep 27, 2013
As scientists have increased their understanding of the climate system, they have been able to state with increasing certainty that the Earth’s climate has changed beyond historic variability, and that humans are the main cause. This is demonstrated in the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). - Sep 27, 2013

Arctic exploration provides window on future climate change - Juli 11, 2013
Climate model projections show that the Arctic Ocean will be completely ice-free by the summer by 2060. However, the record lows in sea ice extent of 2007 and 2012 demonstrated that these projections were too optimistic and some scientists think that we might see and ice free Arctic within this or the next decade. This momentous transformation will undoubtedly have important consequences for our climate, but opinions to the extent of the severity of this change vary. - Juli 11, 2013

Ministers Ignore Industrial Threats to Great Barrier Reef - Juli 10, 2013
BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia, July 10, 2013 (ENS) – The Australian and Queensland governments today pledged to protect the world’s longest coral reef under a new plan endorsed at the Great Barrier Reef Ministerial Forum in Brisbane. But environmental advocates warn the ministers are ignoring alarm bells about industrial development rung by the United Nations. - Juli 10, 2013
Bioenergy production must use resources more efficiently - Jul 03, 2013
Using biomass for energy is an important part of the renewable energy mix. However, bioenergy production should follow EU resource efficiency principles, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). This means extracting more energy from the same material input, and avoiding negative environmental effects potentially caused by bioenergy production. - Jul 03, 2013

Salt Maps - June 10, 2013
Salinity is an ecological factor of considerable importance, influencing the types of organisms that live in a body of water and perhaps the climate as well. Salinity influences the kinds of plants that will grow either in a water body, or on land fed by a water (or by a ground water. So salt is a vital ecological restraint. Contrary to common perception, salinity is hardly uniform in the world's oceans. "It's apparent when you look at a surface salinity map of the Indian Ocean," said Subrahmanyam Bulusu, the director of the Satellite Oceanography Laboratory in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Carolina. "In the northern part of the Arabian Sea, the salinity is considerably higher than in the northern part of the Bay of Bengal." - June 10, 2013

An Interactive Recycling Tool: Bathroom to Bin - Jun 10, 2013
Plastics Make It Possible has launched Bathroom to Bin, a new interactive online tool that provides amusing information about plastics that can be recycled. By clicking on a virtual medicine cabinet, users can read about each type of recyclable plastic container and how it’s repurposed. - Jun 10, 2013
Achieving integrated smart farming - 01 March, 2013
Abrupt seasonal weather changes, including floods, early frosts and winter blizzards, cause problems for farmers, including loss of crops and stock. Many of these problems are natural, and to a certain extent unavoidable. Farming has consistently adapted to better meet such challenges, and the sector is currently poised to undergo another revolution, delivered through one the 20th century's technological breakthroughs: computers.

Many Europeans still exposed to harmful air pollutants - 26 September, 2012.
Almost a third of Europe's city dwellers are exposed to excessive concentrations of airborne particulate matter (PM), one of the most important pollutants in terms of harm to human health as it penetrates sensitive parts of the respiratory system. The EU has made progress over the past decades to reduce the air pollutants which cause acidification, but a new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that many parts of Europe have persistent problems with outdoor concentrations of PM and ground level ozone.

Managing water and human activities together - 31 August 2012.
River basins, lakes, floodplains and marshes often span political and administrative boundaries. This creates challenges in the management of Europe's water resources, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), which recommends better integration of coordinated spatial planning and water management.
Ihobe publishes the 2011 Industrial Ecobarometer report in full - 13 August, 2012.
Ihobe, the Environmental Management Corporation of the Basque Government, has published the full survey of the 2011 Industrial Ecobarometer, where the perceptions of the companies of the Basque Country regarding the environment are analysed. The results of this report, conducted as part of the Ecoefficiency Programme, seek to foster strategic decision-taking in consultancy and engineering firms and public administrations.
Avoiding harmful ozone pollution this summer - 13 August, 2012.
High summer temperatures combined with air pollution can cause ground-level ozone to form, which has serious effects on health, especially for older people or children, or those with asthma and other breathing problems. The European Environment Agency (EEA) presents some useful information on protecting your health from ground-level ozone this summer.

Clean water at majority of EU holiday destinations - 29 May 2012.
Good news if you're planning a beach holiday in Europe this summer: 92.1 % of bathing waters in the European Union now meet the minimum water quality standards set by the Bathing Water Directive. This includes the Serpentine Lake in London, which will host several Olympics events, including the Open Water Marathon Swim and the swimming section of the triathlon.

Ihobe has included its most relevant achievements in the management report for the first quarter of 2012 - 10 May, 2012.
The increase in companies adhered to the Eco-efficiency Programme, the presence of Udalsarea 21 at the ICLEI World Congress 2012, the presentation of the Green Public Procurement and Contracting Programme of the Basque Government, the contribution of Ecoeuskadi 2020 at Río+20 or the incorporation of Euskaltel as a member of the Basque Ecodesign Center are some of the key developments included in the Ihobe Management Report. This report is an informational document on the activity carried out by this public agency during the first quarter of 2012.

EcoEuskadi 2020 at the European Summit of Regions and Cities in Copenhaguen - 9 March 2012
Ihobe, as the technical secretary, will present the Basque Sustainable Development Strategy, EcoEuskadi 2020 at the European Summit of Regions and Cities to be held in Copenhagen on 22 and 23 March 2012. The project has been selected to be showcased as an example of good practices in sustainable development and its participation at the summit will position the Basque Country as one of the most advanced regions in this area.

Over 150 Spanish companies with eco-design certification - 14 January, 2012.
Since it was approved back in 2003, the application of the Eco-design Standard UNE 150301 has now been transformed into an internationally applied standard: the UNE-EN ISO 14006 has been the road to take in order to develop more sustainable products and services and to improve the efficiency of industrial processes in over 150 Spanish companies and organisations.

Iberdrola, Osakidetza Comarca Bilbao, Udapa, Yor, Sener and Colegio Calasancio, winners of the "European Business Awards for the Environment" in the Basque Country - 30 December, 2011.
Iberdrola, Osakidetza Comarca Bilbao, Udapa, Yor, Sener and Colegio Calasancio are the winners of the 2011-2012 "European Business Awards for the Environment" in the Basque Country. The awards were announced by Pilar Unzalu, the Basque Government's Minister for the Environment, during a ceremony held at Bilbao's Campos Elíseos Theatre that was attended by over one hundred companies.

Recycling industry can boost the European economy - Dec 12, 2011.
Recycling has multiple benefits for many areas of the economy – providing raw materials, creating jobs and encouraging business opportunities and innovation. These economic benefits of recycling are examined in a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report considers the recycling industry in the context of building a 'green economy', a major European policy objective.
Ihobe moves towards responsible governance - Dec 12, 2011.
Ihobe has created a new public section on its webpage, which, under the title of Responsible Governance, makes various documents available to users which detail, among other information, the management and corporate activities of the organisation, the ethics and code of conduct to which its staff adhere, and the organisation's Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy.

Over a hundred experts seek alternatives to remediate contaminated land - Dec 01, 2011.
Knowledge generation to develop new more sustainable alternatives and using new technologies to treat and clean-up contaminated soil was the main objective of the "New Technologies for the Remediation of Contaminated Land: Nanotechnology in Contaminated Land" seminar, which was held at the Tecnalia headquarters in Zamudio on 23 November. Over a hundred specialists from Spain, the Netherlands, Austria and the Czech Republic shared know-how in this area for the remediation of potentially contaminated sites. The seminar was organised by Ihobe, Environmental Management Company of the Basque Government's Ministry for the Environment, Land Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries, Tecnalia and the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU).

Carbon capture and storage could also impact air pollution - Nov 20, 2011.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing carbon dioxide released by power stations and other industrial sources, and burying it deep underground. But in addition to keeping an important greenhouse gas (GHG) out of the atmosphere, this technology will lead to benefits and trade-offs for air pollution. A new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) describes the effects that CCS may have on emissions of some key air pollutants.