This section provides information about projects run by INEM members or INEM itself.

Strategic cooperation with IFC – a contribution to SME Toolkit
The International Finance Cooperation (IFC) develops and maintains a toolkit for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The toolkit gives help SME’s to develop their business on the easiest way. INEM cooperate with IFC to develop easy-to-use tools for environmental and social responsibility issues.Webpage:
LIFE - Environment Project EMAS 4 New Member States
The Guideline reflects experiences gained in the project "Innovative approach in EMAS II implementation in the local authorities of new member states (EMAS4NewStates)", which took place in Lativan municipalities from May 2005 till May 2007. Please download here the project documentation.
The project "Unternehmensverband für umweltbewusstes Management für die Baltischen Länder" (BALTEMA), 2002-2005, is initiated by International Network for Environmental Management. The main goals of the project are to raise awareness among Baltic enterprises about the advantages of environmental management and to build up capacity to implement them.
EMAS Conferences in the new Member States
In the framework of the EU-funded project « EMAS Conferences in the new Member States » INEM and its partner organisations have organised 6 conferences around EMAS and translated and adapted a guidebook, the EMAS 2000 brochure, to promote the uptake of EMAS in Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithaunia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.