Plastic Packaging Reduces Emissions and Energy Consumption - Mar 04, 2014
A new study from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the Canadian Plastics Industry Association has determined that six different categories of plastic packaging (caps and closures, beverage containers, rigid containers, shopping bags, shrink wrap, and flexible packaging) made and sold in the United States and Canada can help reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions when compared to packaging made from other materials.
“We all know that plastic packaging plays a critical role in protecting and preserving everything from groceries to high-end electronics. This study demonstrates that plastic packaging also makes a significant contribution to sustainability by dramatically reducing energy use and lowering greenhouse gas emissions,” said Steve Russell, vice president of ACC’s Plastics Division.
According to the report, if these plastic packaging products were replaced by non-plastic products, 4.5 times the amount of material would be needed to produce the packaging, which would be 55 million tons more in the U.S. alone. Energy use would be increased by 80 percent and global warming potential would also be increased by 130 percent.