Joke van Wensem, general secretary of the Technische Commissie Bodem (TCB), the Dutch scientific committee for land protection, will analyse the historical evolution of concepts in land management from the 80s to today at the International Conference on Land Protection, to be held in Bilbao on 22 and 23 October. Wensem will speak on the first day, Monday, at 9:15 am at the Euskalduna Conference Centre.
TCB is an independent scientific committee based on
the Dutch Land Protection Act; it provides technical and scientific support to
the Dutch Ministries of the Environment and Agriculture. The TCB expert
committee took part in the preparation of the European Strategy for Soil
Protection, which aims to prevent soil degradation, preserve its functions and
rehabilitate degraded soil.
The Conference aims to identify the keys that support new policy development on
efficient land use, and to move forward in land protection, from preventing and
correcting contamination to the comprehensive protection of land as a resource.
Parallel to the Conference, there will be a Common Forum on Contaminated Land,
organised by Ihobe. The European panel of expert in land, as well as
representatives from the European governments present at the conference will
participate in the Forum.
Registration for the event costs €125, which includes lunch and coffee breaks
during the conference. Register at theIhobe
14 October, 2012.