Total commits to four R&D institute projects - 22 March 2012.
Total is partnering four of the R&D institute
projects covered by the French government’s Investissements d’avenir (Investing
in the Future) stimulus program. The projects are being implemented by
public-private partnerships that combine academic and business resources in
France to prepare the energy future. The projects cover the areas of
photovoltaic solar energy, low-carbon geotechnology, biofuels and energy
efficiency described below:
- In the area of photovoltaic solar energy,
Total will be one of the leaders of the IPVF project to create an R&D
institute in the Paris region that will be one of the top five in the
world for next-generation photovoltaic solar systems.
- In the area of low-carbon geotechnology, the
Geodenergies project is designed to unlock additional value from mineral
resource development and management via carbon storage, energy storage and
geothermal energy processes.
- In the area of biofuels, the GreenStars
project aims to develop next-generation biofuels and products from
- In the area of energy efficiency, the PS2E
project aims to set up a research, training and development institute in
Saclay, outside Paris, to address the energy efficiency challenges of
industrial infrastructure in urban areas.
22 March, 2012.